Kinchela Boys Home 100th Anniversary

10 October 2024

“The truth needs to be told so the pain can be healed. It never goes away, but it can get better.” – Uncle Michael ‘Widdy’ Welsh.

This year it will have been 100 years since the gates of Kinchela Boys Home opened. At those gates, the spirits of the children who walked through the gates were left behind. To mark this 100th anniversary, the Kinchela Boys Home survivors, their descendants and families are honouring the spirits of those children and celebrating the past, present and future of the Kinchela Boys Home Community.

A three day gathering will take place from October 18th – 20th 2024 which will take place across the Kinchela Boys Home site and the Macleay Valley, including Kempsey and South West Rocks.

Itinerary as follows:

Day 1- Community BBQ and Welcome: 5pm-8:30pm, 18th October. Riverside Park Kempsey.
Day 2- 100th Commemoration: 10am – 3:30pm, 19th October. Former Kinchela Boys Home Site, 2054 South West Rd
Kinchela NSW.
Day 3 – KBHAC Survivor and descendent family day: 20th October.

Click here for more information:

Kinchela Boys Home 100th Anniversary Event Page